immediately after world war ii ended , he worked to fill the role of intermediary between douglas macarthur , supreme commander for the allied powers (scap ) and leader of general headquarters , and fumimaro konoe . 太平洋戦争終戦直後、連合国軍最高司令官総司令部ダグラス・マッカーサーと近衛文麿との仲介工作に尽力。
immediately after world war ii ended , he worked to fill the role of intermediary between douglas macarthur , supreme commander for the allied powers (scap ) and leader of general headquarters , and fumimaro konoe . 太平洋戦争終戦直後、連合国軍最高司令官総司令部ダグラス・マッカーサーと近衛文麿との仲介工作に尽力。
1946: koten kokyujo was defined as a hotbed of militarism by , and dissolved under the guidance of , the general headquarters , the supreme commander for the allied powers , and its staff and assets were absorbed by the incorporated foundation kokugakuin university . 1946年 連合国軍最高司令官総司令部の指導により軍国主義の温床として解散、人員や財産は財団法人國學院大學が吸収
on january 25 , 1946 , following the defeat in world war ii , koken kokyujo was dissolved under pressure from the general headquarters , the supreme commander for the allied powers , and its business and assets were handed over to the school corporation kokugakuin university and jinja honcho (the association of shinto shrines ). 第2次世界大戦敗戦後の1946年(昭和21年)1月25日に連合国軍最高司令官総司令部による圧迫を受けて解散、事業と資産は学校法人國學院大學と神社本庁に継承されている。
after world war ii in 1947 the cabinet of tetsu katayama proposed a bill on public holidays appropriate to the constitution of japan including empire day as " foundation day " (kenkoku no hi ), but this was dismissed by the general headquarters of the supreme commander for the allied powers and the law came into effect in july 1948 . 第二次世界大戦後の1947年(昭和22年)、片山哲内閣により、日本国憲法にふさわしい祝日の法案に紀元節が「建国の日」として盛り込まれていたが、連合国軍最高司令官総司令部により削除され、法は1948年(昭和23年)7月に施行された。
after the surrender in the pacific war (the great east asia war ), the general headquarters of the supreme commander for the allied powers conducted a sword hunt regarding japanese swords as weapons , so numerous swords including hotarumaru were destroyed (in kumamoto prefecture , for example , swords were burned with petroleum and thrown into the sea ). 太平洋戦争(大東亜戦争)降伏後、日本刀を武器であると見なした連合国軍最高司令官総司令部により刀狩が行われ、蛍丸を始めとした数多くの刀が遺棄・散逸の憂き目にあった(熊本県のように、石油をかけて焼かれた後海中投棄された例もある)。
after the war on october 14 , 1947 , 51 family members of 11 miyake ceased being members of the imperial family since it was hard for the nation to maintain the existing scale of imperial families financially , this was because imperial assets did not belong to the national treasury any longer after receiving the order from the general headquarters of the supreme commander for the allied powers . 敗戦後の1947年10月14日、11宮家51名は、連合国軍最高司令官総司令部の指令により皇室財産が国庫に帰属させられたため、経済的に従前の規模の皇室を維持できなくなったことから皇籍を離脱した。